Motorola Announces Ara, an Hardware Project for Creating Customizable Smartphone - FrinMash

Motorola Announces Ara, an Hardware Project for Creating Customizable Smartphone

Motorola Announces Ara, an Hardware Project for Creating Customizable Smartphone

Motorola just announced its Ara, a hardware platform fully open to customize and lets unskilled person to develop their own smartphone using it.

According to Motorola blog they said we want to do same to the hardware as we have done to Android platform for software. Now that Motorola says they are inviting developers for creating modules and they are also working with Dave Hakkens, the creator of Phonebloks.

The Project Ara will include modules and attachers which means the modules include battery, processor, keyboard, and camera while the attacher will keep the device held together.

Check out the image which gives an example:-

Motorola Announces Ara, an Hardware Project for Creating Customizable Smartphone

Image:- Google
Motorola Announces Ara, an Hardware Project for Creating Customizable Smartphone Motorola Announces Ara, an Hardware Project for Creating Customizable Smartphone Reviewed by Frinton Madtha on October 29, 2013 Rating: 5
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