Sony Announces New Lighter Playstation Vita and Playstation Vita TV - FrinMash

Sony Announces New Lighter Playstation Vita and Playstation Vita TV

Sony Announces New Lighter Playstation Vita and Playstation Vita TV

Sony has come out with two of its new products at its Playstation event in Japan.

The new product include thinner and lighter version of handheld gaming console Playstation Vita, and Playstation Vita TV, the Vita TV is a cheap and a smaller gaming console that allows you to connect to your TV.

From the current model this model is 15% lighter and 20% thinner. The new Playstation Vita comes with more durable battery, OLED screen, 1GB of storage memory, with multiple colors like black, yellow, pink, grey, blue and lime green.

The new Vita will be available in Japan from October 10 and will cost $190.

The Playstation Vita TV will come to Japan on November 4 and will be cheaper than the Playstation Vita say $100.

The console features (6.4cm x10.5cm) and comes with 1,300 games. It also allow you to "stream" from Playstation 4 games.

Sony will also launch the Playstation 4 in U.S mid-November, and will come to Japan on February 22.

Image: Sony/Playstation Vita
Sony Announces New Lighter Playstation Vita and Playstation Vita TV Sony Announces New Lighter Playstation Vita and Playstation Vita TV Reviewed by Frinton Madtha on September 09, 2013 Rating: 5
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