Sony Will Launch Playstation 4 in Japan on February 22, 2014 - FrinMash

Sony Will Launch Playstation 4 in Japan on February 22, 2014

Sony Will Launch Playstation 4 in Japan on February 22, 2014
Sony will launch the Playstation 4 in US on November 15 and in Europe on November 29.

According to reports, Japanese customers who want to buy the Playstation 4 will need to wait till February 22, 2014 nearly three months after its launch. The announcement, was made today by SCEJA Press Conference.

Sony also explains the three month time is due to get more Japanese customers. The Playstation 4 will be priced $420, and $465 for the model which comes along camera.

Sony also added saying there will be a limited edition pack, at the launch with a series of free games coming with the console.

Playstation 4 will be priced in the US $399, in Europe €399 and £349 in UK.

Image: Sony/Playstation 4
Sony Will Launch Playstation 4 in Japan on February 22, 2014 Sony Will Launch Playstation 4 in Japan on February 22, 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on September 09, 2013 Rating: 5
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