iPod Comes With New 'Space Gray' Color - FrinMash

iPod Comes With New 'Space Gray' Color

iPod Comes New 'Space Gray' Color
Apple event was full about the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C for what we were excited about. But the iPods also received an update with a new color, space gray.

The new darkish gray, will be offered like a new color, and an option for iPhone 5S and not for iPhone 5C. Now the color will be available to the entire iPod range, while the iPod touch 32GB and 64GB will be available, and the 16GB will only come in silver.

The iPod touch now has five color count, while the iPod nano has seven color counts including iPod shuffle, and two for iPod classic.

iPod Comes With New 'Space Gray' Color

Apple said it also adds red color for some portion to give Global Fund to Fight against AIDS in Africa.

Image of Apple
iPod Comes With New 'Space Gray' Color iPod Comes With New 'Space Gray' Color Reviewed by Frinton Madtha on September 11, 2013 Rating: 5
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