Apple Skipped 5G Wi-Fi for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C - FrinMash

Apple Skipped 5G Wi-Fi for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C

Apple Skipped 5G Wi-Fi for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C
The surprise came to an end after Tuesday's iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C event came to be true.

The 802.11ac which comes in the smartphone had minor surprise for those who were involved in Wi-Fi standards.

Wi-Fi Alliance, says the benefits which comes by taking 802.11ac includes higher data rates which even give more ability to connect devices.

The 5G Wi-Fi offers up to 1.3Gbps as compared to the 450 Mbps of 802.11 n-equipped devices. While the iPhone 5S is improved and has step forward.

Image: Apple
Apple Skipped 5G Wi-Fi for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C Apple Skipped 5G Wi-Fi for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C Reviewed by Frinton Madtha on September 11, 2013 Rating: 5
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