Simple Drop-Down Login With Facebook to Blogger Navbar - FrinMash

Simple Drop-Down Login With Facebook to Blogger Navbar

Simple Drop-Down Login With Facebook to Blogger Navbar

This is a simple drop-down login to add Facebook button to the top Navbar. After adding this simple CSS3 code you will get a drop-down login at the top right of your navbar.

In this article you will see how to add drop-down login using CSS3 and JQuery.

Live Demo

1. First go to Blogger.
2. Create a New Blog to Test.
3. Add Simple Template to that Blog.
4. Go to Edit Html Copy the Code and paste the code in the template as shown below.

<html> <head> <title>Login With Facebook Top Navbar</title> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <script src=''/> <b:skin><![CDATA[/* ---------------------------------------------- /////////Coded By: Frinton Madtha/////////// //////////////Blogger Tutorial Demos//////// ---------------------------------------------- ]]></b:skin> </head> <body> <header class='cf'> <nav><ul> <li id='login'> <a href='#' id='login-trigger'> Login With Facebook<span>&#9660;</span> </a> <div id='login-content'> <form> <fieldset id='actions'> <fb:login-button autologoutlink='true' max-rows='10' perms='user_likes, friends_likes' show-faces='true' size='large' width='250'>Login With Facebook<img border='0' src=''/></fb:login-button></fieldset> </form> </div></li> </ul> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $(&#39;#login-trigger&#39;).click(function(){ $(this).next(&#39;#login-content&#39;).slideToggle(); $(this).toggleClass(&#39;active&#39;); if ($(this).hasClass(&#39;active&#39;)) $(this).find(&#39;span&#39;).html(&#39;&#9650;&#39;) else $(this).find(&#39;span&#39;).html(&#39;&#9660;&#39;) }) });</script> <b:section class='navbar' id='navbar' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'/> </nav></header> <!--Start Please keep the Credits intact--> <div style='margin-top:400px; '> <center> <p class='author'>&#169; by <b>Frinton Madtha Productions</b> Made With Love From India. Collaboration with<a href=''> FrinMash </a></p></center></div> <!-- End Please keep the Credits intact--> </body> </html>

After adding the code to your template you need to add Facebook app id script inside the of your blog.

Drop Down Login With Facebook
Simple Drop-Down Login With Facebook to Blogger Navbar

After Login With Facebook

Simple Drop-Down Login With Facebook to Blogger Navbar

Image: FrinMash
Simple Drop-Down Login With Facebook to Blogger Navbar Simple Drop-Down Login With Facebook to Blogger Navbar Reviewed by Frinton Madtha on October 04, 2013 Rating: 5
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